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840 Simon Lane SW
Albuquerque NM 87105
Professional Relationship Building and Equine Integrated Therapy
Aug 24, 2020

We and the Horse

Recent studies conducted by the Institute of Heart Math provide a clue to explain bi-directional healing that happens when we are near horses.  According to research, the heart has a larger electromagnetic field than the brain.  A magnetometer can measure the heart’s energy field radiating out from 8 to 10 feet around the human body.  While this is certainly significant it is perhaps more impressive that the electromagnetic field projected by the horses’ heart is five times larger than the human one.  The horse’s electromagnetic field is also stronger than ours and can directly influence our own heart rhythm.  Horses are also likely to have what science has identified as a ‘coherent heart rhythm’ which may explain why we feel better when we are around them.

Studies have found that a coherent heart pattern or HRV is a robust measure of well-being and is consistent with emotional states of calm and joy.  We exhibit such a pattern when we feel positive emotions.  A coherent heart pattern is indicative of a system that can recover and adjust to stressful situations very efficiently. 

March 8, 2022


The sun rises and a new day begins. 

The cries of a hundred geese alert me of the need to get going myself.

 For life is passing like the almost imperceptible drip of the water off the rain gutter.  

It is now I realize, I’m just a tiny part of a great world around me that has gone on and goes on with or without me. 

The earth turns and seasons change. 

Hearts break but love remains.

 I rise to the cries of a hundred geese. 

The rays of the new dawn golden on the underside of their straining wings.             Nick LaRue,  8/22/2012

 For me, facing life’s problems means not getting stuck in the “muck” but instead seeing obstacles as a part of a greater journey of the body, mind and spirit.  Thus life’s challenges can be something to be used rather than as something to be endured.  Is it possible then that challenges have purpose and a joy is felt that comes from knowing a different meaning of life?    

Win Simon, 3/1/2016

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